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Ennio Marnix escorted to port
The "Ennio Marnix" which got stuck six day ago three miles east of Als was pulled off in the evening of Sep 9 and towed to Åbenrå where it was moored at 7.30 p.m. and was to be subject of diver surveys now. Before, 1.400 tons of on the whole 4200 tons cargo had to be lightered. The casualty was escorted to port by the "Gunnar Seidenfaden" which had been on scene since the grounding.
Divers check the hull
Divers will have to survey the hull of the grounded "Ennio Marnix" before a salvage plan will be approved by the Søværnets Operative Kommando. This will also include whether the ship has to be lightered before an attempt is undertaken to pull it off. The "Gunnar Seidenfaden" remains on scene as a precaution in case of an oil spill. Danish report with photos: http://www.jv.dk/artikel/1186484:Soenderborg--Grundstoedt-skib-spaekket-med-goedning--Overvaages-af-miljoeskib-ved-Als
Anti pollution vessel at grounding site
The "Ennio Marnix" on Sep 4, 2011, remained stuck 2-3 miles east of Als. The ship, carrying a cargo of 4,200 tons of fertilizer, had departed from Terneuzen on Sep 1 en route to Sluiskil in Aabenraa, when the grounding occurred. The accident was observed from land and the witness raised alarm at the Søværnets Operative Kommando in Brabrand which immedediately sent the patrol boat "Nymfen" to the location. Later the anti pollution vessel "Gunnar Seidenfaden" also arrived, but there has no spill been observed. The Hesteskoen where the vessel grounded is very shallow with water depths of less than six metres. A salvage plan is waiting to be approved by the Danish authorities. Meanwhile, the Maritime Accident Investigation Commission started to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.
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